Make Money from your website from day one
I’ve just signed up with a new site that gives you money for displaying ads on your new sites, it does’nt matter how old your site is or whether or not you have any page rank they give you £5 Just for signing up and then an extra £3 every month for every link you put on your site.
You can add as many sites as you like, they pay monthly by paypal for further info Click here
Tags: , blog ads, Blogging, earn money from your blog, matched, money from blogging
3 Responses to “Make Money from your website from day one”
Dunn Says:
February 22nd, 2008 at 7:01 pm
I tried to sign up, but after finished completing the form and clicked sign-up, it kept coming back to the sign up form. Or maybe this service for the UK residents only?
stubsy Says:
February 23rd, 2008 at 1:51 pm
Thanks Dunn bit of a concern since I am running a PPC CAMPAIGN ON IT
it does say U.K Residents only but they pay buy paypal
so I can’t see what difference it would make I will contact them and see what they say
Competition to win a snazzy T shirt | Online Competitions Says:
February 23rd, 2008 at 3:26 pm
[...] and play with you ad positioning to see what works best on your site. You could try this one here porbably won’t pay your mortgage unless you live in a shoe box or a treehouse but it will [...]
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